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DPS Annual Diversity Training

All members of the Division of Public Safety attend an annual division-wide training on various topics related to diversity.

This list is not inclusive of all trainings attended by the members of DPS.

Annual Diversity Trainings

  • 2000: “Creating Successful Partnerships” Instructors: Robert Hendrick & Carolyn Jones.
  • 2001: “Relations Between the Police and the Community” Instructor: Dr. Elijah Anderson.
  • 2003 – 2004:“Diversity for Law Enforcement” (developed by the Institute for Law Enforcement in Plano, Texas)
  • 2005: “The Power of Inclusion: Leveraging Diversity to Create a More Unified Community”. Instructors: Yvonne Alverio and Scott Davis (of the Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group).
  • 2007 – Dr. Baime, Director of the Penn Program for Stress Management, conducted a training entitled “Managing Conflict in a Diverse Environment”
  • 2008- The theme of the FY08 Diversity Training was “Disability Awareness”. This training was selected based on its unique content of addressing the history and manifestations of various disabilities, proper etiquette and interaction skills towards persons with disabilities, and best practices and responses from law enforcement personnel to those persons.
  • 2009- DPS has selected for its 2009 Diversity Training Program: “Law Enforcement and Society-Lessons of the Holocaust”.  This one-day training program at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. examines the history of the Holocaust and encourages law enforcement officials to reflect upon their personal and professional responsibilities in our society.
  • 2010- Montgomery County Emergency Service (MCES) provided full day of Crisis Intervention Training for all first responders. The class is designed to train law enforcement personnel in dealing with mental health consumers in crisis and to help them understand and deal more effectively with a mentally ill individual.
  • 2012-The Penn Women’s Center in conjunction with Special Services, developed a training called “Responding to Interpersonal Violence on a Diverse Campus”.  The agenda covered topics including: Understanding Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence & Stalking, The Culture of Violence, On Campus & Beyond; Understanding Victims and Perpetrators; Responding to Interpersonal Violence on Campus; transgender issues and policies.
  • 2013- “Religious Diversity Training”: Topics covered religious issues; mutual education between officers and students; important Points of contact for the various religious sectors on campus.  Instructor: Rev. Chaz Howard, University Chaplain.
  • 2014- Affirmative Action and Sexual Harassment Training; Health & Wellness with UPHS Nutritionist. Instructors: Penn OAA-EOE; Penn Medicine.
  • 2015 – The Penn LGBT Center developed training on the Trans*gender community at Penn and in West Philadelphia. Additional training from Veteran’s Affairs psychologist on hidden wounds in response to our veteran population. Refresher on Verbal Judotraining officers on de-escalation tactics. Instructors: Dr. Erin Cross; Capt. Gerald Leddy.
  • 2016 – Resilience Training with Penn Positive Psychology Center. Training first responders how to practice self-care and process the difficult times in their jobs. Dr. Karen Reivich. The goals and objectives for this training included training staff about personal resilience. The eight-hour session included lessons on topics such as engaged listening, gratitude, and recognizing good work in self and others.
  • 2017 – Resilience Refresher
  • 2018 – Restorative Justice Training with Office of Student Conduct.
  • 2019-2020 – Autism Awareness Training with Pennsylvania ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training) (delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions) & Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) training.

Additionally, all newly hired sworn UPPD personnel are provided diversity training specific to law enforcement, including a visit to the Holocaust Museum.  The current curriculum has been refined to include bias-based profiling issues and going forward revisions will continue to remain dynamic and current.