More information will be posted here when it becomes available.
Safety Strategies: Personal Safety
Safety Tips
- Do not display your cellphone when walking about. Keep it in your bag or pocket.
- Avoid using earphones when walking to ensure that you stay alert and aware of your surroundings.
- Stay in well-lit areas. Walk mid-point between curbs and buildings, away from alleys, entries, and bushes. Stay near people.
- Avoid short cuts through parks, vacant lots, and other low-occupancy places.
- Carry only necessary credit cards and money. Avoid using outdoor ATMs (automated teller machines). Instead, look for banks that require entry into a lobby to use their ATM.
- If you carry a purse or handbag, keep it close to your body. This will minimize the chances of theft. If your purse is taken, don’t fight. Turn it over and immediately call 911*.
- Walk with someone whenever possible. Participate in buddy systems.
- Do not stop to give directions or other information to strangers. Never hitchhike.
- If you believe are being followed, call 911. Be alert & confident – making good eye contact may discourage the follower. Cross the street, change directions, or vary your pace. If someone follows you in a car, record the license number and call 911* immediately.
- Have your key out and ready before you reach your car or door.
- Trust your instincts and use common sense.
* Call PennComm at 215-573-3333 if you are within the Penn Patrol Zone. The Penn Patrol Zone extends from 30th Street to 43rd Street (east to west) and Market Street to Baltimore Avenue (north to south).